Tastes and preferences vary greatly as do financial circumstances, but, in general, each funeral will vary in cost due to the following components:
Cost of the Coffin or Casket: A varied selection is available so that all needs are able to be met.
Other expenses (cash disbursements) are paid at cost by Integrity Funerals Tasmania on behalf of the family, such as flowers, Minister’s/Celebrant’s fees, cemetery/cremation fees, medical cremation certificates, press notices, etc.
There is also the Funeral Director’s Service Fee. This is designed to cover all of the overhead costs in the same way as any other business. These overheads relate to items such as the use of facilities, supplying/maintaining vehicles, liaising with clergy or celebrants, cemeteries or crematoria, lodges, R.S.L., newspapers, florists, etc., providing trained personnel with 24 hour availability, salaries, wages and administrative costs. We complete all the necessary paperwork and finance the disbursements until the funeral expenses are paid.
We offer any type of service desired, from the simple and less expensive to the more elaborate. Each funeral is different and we will be there to help you decide on what is the most appropriate and relevant way to farewell your loved one, and celebrate their life.
Being family owned and operated, we are more flexible than the other companies, and provide an excellent standard of care and compassion, caring for the family long after the funeral is over.
Should you wish to discuss costs more specifically, please feel free to do so, as we are always available and there is no obligation on your part whatsoever.